Thursday, December 13, 2012

Great Week

Great week.  Only one more day of teaching though! I got a couple of posts to catch up on while I have the time! I can't believe that my time here is so close to ending! I literally never thought that it would ever end.  I am so sad, but at the same time, I am really excited to get home and spend the holidays with my family.  Once Christmas is over however, I am going to have a hard time getting back into the swing of school and actually working.  Thailand is just so laid back, I feel like I have been on vacation for the past 4 months.  Ok, lets be real, I HAVE been on vacation for the past 4 months.  

I come into my room one day and what do I find!? Four little monkeys jumping on my bed! (that's one of their favorite songs to sing FYI) That's Max with the pointy teeth, Mhew getting ready to jump on Yada who is hidden under the covers, and Gui is the one in pink laughing.  I love my kids so much! I feel like I have toured a lot of Thailand, seen many cool things, tasted a lot of great food, got some great photos, but the one thing I feel like I will never be satisfied with having enough of is time with is these kids. Every day, they get more comfortable with me, I see and hear them growing not only in their english, but in aspects.  In the four short months that I have been here, I have watched these kids grow up immensely.  I am extremely sad that I am such  short part of their lives and I hope they don't forget me, because even though they will have tons of other American teachers coming to teach them english next semester and the next and memories of what I taught them may fade, They have made a huge impact on my life, and those memories won't fade easily for me.    Alright, I need to stop now.  (don't cry, don't cry!) 

We went to Tesco one day (ooh big shocker there, haha. We are there everyday) And we stopped in KFC to sit for a while because it's air conditioned inside.  While we were sitting, there was a group of kids sneaking pictures of us.  But they weren't very sneaky about it, so I kept making faces and photo-bombing all their pictures.  They kept laughing and staring at us, so I decided to sneak a picture of them too! I think they saw me though.  

One of our friends that we met in town was back from school for the weekend (she attends school in the next town 40 minutes away) so we went out to ice cream with her.  Her name is Nattida and she is the coolest, cutest girl! She is the one who took us out for my first taste of sushi that one time.  Anyways, this was probably the last time that we would get to see her before we left so we headed off to Swensens.  We had a contest to see if we could tie the cherry stems from our ice creams into knots with our tongues.  Heidi was determined.    

Sorry the lighting is so weird, it was super bright outside so it washed me out, but I wanted documentation! I did it! Apparently if you can tie the cherry stem in  a knot with your tongue, your a really good kisser ;) haha I must be

Hello Waffel and Mango Sorbet Ice cream! Complete with a shot of chocolate goodness.  You can be assured that I drank that shot whole.  

Nattida could tie a stem in a knot too! 

All of us.  That's Nattida's brother Fame on the right.  He is so funny and speaks english very well! 

We will miss our friend Nattida.  She and her family were so good to us.  Taking us out to eat, taking us shopping, taking us out to eat again and again! haha Thai people are so generous and so giving.  Were so grateful for Nattida and her family taking us under their wings and showing us around. We will miss you guys! 

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